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Dentsply Proroot MTA Tooth Colored Root Canal Repair Material

Cat. No. ADS-80100026

Dentsply ProRoot MTA 0.5 Gm is a root repair material that is specifically designed to have the necessary physical properties and setting requirements to effectively repair damaged roots.

Brand: Dentsply

10 x 0.5 g/box


$629.98 $699.97

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Apical plug during apexification
Repair of root perforations during root canal therapy
Treating internal root resorption
Root-end filling material
Pulp-capping material
Harden in the presence of moisture
Non-toxic and non-mutagenic
Vasoconstrictive. This could be beneficial for hemostasis ( most important in pulp capping)
Cell adherence and growth
Interleukin production

* This product is for professionals only.

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