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Ivoclar Vivadent Fluor Protector Gel Protect The Teeth Against Acid Attacks

Cat. No. ADS-80240021

To strengthen the teeth
Fluor Protector Gel contains fluoride as well as calcium and phosphate. These ingredients protect teeth and repair and strengthen affected tooth structure. Xylitol inhibits the growth of cariogenic bacteria. The provitamin D-panthenol is soothing to the gums and mucous membrane, which benefits the general health of teeth and the oral cavity.
When it is used at home, Fluor Protector Gel supplements the professionally applied protective varnish Fluor Protector.

Brand: Ivoclar

50 g 20 g


$35.99 $39.99

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Protection against dental caries, tooth erosion and periodontal disease
For patients with sensitive teeth
For patients with exposed cervicals
For patients who consume acidic foods
For patients who have a dry mouth
For patients who are undergoing orthodontic treatment
For patients with a high caries risk
For patients who have had their teeth cleaned professionally
For patients with sensitive peri-implant tissue
For patients who are having their teeth whitened
Calcium + 1450 ppm fluoride + phosphate protect the teeth against acid attacks
Xylitol inhibits the growth of cariogenic bacteria
Neutral pH
Benefits for the practice team:
Three-fold formula for optimum dental care
Optimum distribution on problem areas due to its smooth consistency
Fresh feeling in the mouth ensures more sustained use

* This product is for professionals only.

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